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Mystery Solved: Black Hole Belch Caused Galactic Glow

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

Like virtually all galaxies, the Milky Way has a monster lurking at its very core: a giant black hole, as massive as four million suns, which will swallow anything that ventures too close to its intense gravitational field. Like most,... Selengkapnya

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Sun-Bombing: A Spacecraft Will Brave the Solar Fires

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

On September 1, 1859, a British astronomer named Richard Carrington was sketching the shapes of sunspots projected from his telescope onto a screen when two spots flared into view and brightened still further, only to fade a few minutes later.... Selengkapnya

Obama Sees ‘Huge Victory’ In Syria Deal

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

President Barack Obama on Friday heralded the international agreement requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons as a “potentially huge victory for the international community.” Speaking after an Oval Office meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Obama said... Selengkapnya

Money Talking: JP Morgan’s $11 Billion Would Send the Wrong Message

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

Is $11 billion a lot to pay for causing some of the mischief that caused the financial crisis? That’s what Justice Department officials in Washington are currently trying to decide. The $11 billion in question is the potential price tag... Selengkapnya


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