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Tags jamie dimon

Money Talking: JP Morgan’s $11 Billion Would Send the Wrong Message

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

Is $11 billion a lot to pay for causing some of the mischief that caused the financial crisis? That’s what Justice Department officials in Washington are currently trying to decide. The $11 billion in question is the potential price tag... Selengkapnya

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Sun-Bombing: A Spacecraft Will Brave the Solar Fires

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

On September 1, 1859, a British astronomer named Richard Carrington was sketching the shapes of sunspots projected from his telescope onto a screen when two spots flared into view and brightened still further, only to fade a few minutes later.... Selengkapnya

Three Takeaways From the Obama-Rouhani Phone Call

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

Their possible handshake in New York didn’t work out. But Barack Obama and Iranian president Hassan Rouhani made up for it today with a phone call that amounted to the first direct contact between an American president and an Iranian leader since... Selengkapnya

More Children Than Ever Are Getting Flu Shots

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

New numbers released this morning from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more children than ever before received their flu vaccine during the 2012-2013 flu season, and similar upticks were seen in adult populations. The researchers... Selengkapnya


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