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Tags millionaire

Asian Millionaires Will Soon Oust North Americans From Top of Wealth List

Asian Millionaires Will Soon Oust North Americans From Top of Wealth List

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

The wealth possessed in total by Asia’s millionaires may soon surpass that of their North American counterparts. According to a new report published by Cap Gemini SA and Royal Bank of Canada, Asians with $1 million dollars in liquid assets... Selengkapnya

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Eat Better and Stress Less: It’ll Make Your Cells (and Maybe You) Live Longer

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

It’s not quite the Fountain of Youth, but it may be the river that leads to it. In a paper published in the journal Lancet Oncology, scientists found that a small group of men who made changes in the way they... Selengkapnya

Microsoft pays hacker $100,000 for finding security holes

T 10 October 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

Microsoft is paying a well-known British hacking expert more than $100,000 for finding security holes in its software, one of the largest bounties awarded to date by a tech company. The company also released a much anticipated update to Internet... Selengkapnya

China May Lift Social Media Ban From Shanghai’s Free-Trade Zone

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

A tiny crack could be forming in the Great Firewall that blocks China’s internet users from politically sensitive websites. According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese authorities are to lift a longtime ban on Facebook and Twitter. However, access to the social... Selengkapnya


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