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China May Lift Social Media Ban From Shanghai’s Free-Trade Zone

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

A tiny crack could be forming in the Great Firewall that blocks China’s internet users from politically sensitive websites. According to the South China Morning Post, Chinese authorities are to lift a longtime ban on Facebook and Twitter. However, access to the social... Selengkapnya

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Obama Sees ‘Huge Victory’ In Syria Deal

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

President Barack Obama on Friday heralded the international agreement requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons as a “potentially huge victory for the international community.” Speaking after an Oval Office meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Obama said... Selengkapnya

Government Shutdown Won’t Change Debt Ceiling D-Day

T 28 September 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

 A potential government shutdown next week would have no material impact on the timing of the federal government reaching the debt limit, experts said Friday. Steve Bell, the senior director of economic policy for the Bipartisan Policy Center, told TIME... Selengkapnya

Samsung seen touching up ROUNDED, CURVY plastic-enhanced MODEL

T 9 October 2013 F A Tri Yuli Kurniawan

  Samsung has launched what it describes as the “world’s first curved display smartphone”, the Galaxy Round. This is despite the fact that Samsung built the last phone with a curved screen only three years ago. You can’t get your... Selengkapnya


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